LeetCode: 1661. Average Time of Process per Machine

B M Mahmud
1 min readJan 2, 2024


Lets see my plan:

Image A

Here T1 (left table) T2(Right table)



from Activity t1

Join Activity t2

on t1.machine_id = t2.machine_id

and t1.process_id = t2.process_id

and t1.activity_type='start'

and t2.activity_type='end'

If you run this code, you will get a result like Image A

Now, following our question requirement, calculate:

avg(t2.timestamp — t1.timestamp) # T2 — T1 , then Average of it

So, the Final Code:



round(avg(t2.timestamp-t1.timestamp), 3) as processing_time

from Activity t1

Join Activity t2

on t1.machine_id = t2.machine_id

and t1.process_id = t2.process_id

and t1.activity_type='start'

and t2.activity_type='end'

group by t1.machine_id

Another way,

and t1.activity_type='start'    and t2.activity_type='end'
# we can use
and a1.timestamp<a2.timestamp; # works same

Below is the top solution I got from LeetCode:

select machine_id, round(avg(time_lapse), 3) as processing_time
(select machine_id, process_id,
max(timestamp) over (partition by machine_id, process_id)
min(timestamp) over (partition by machine_id, process_id)
as time_lapse from Activity) temp
group by machine_id



B M Mahmud

Hi, I am Mahmud. I love to share my ideas and learning strategies. You know, Sharing is caring. To know me more, check out my all links, bio.info/imash