Logistic Regression: Understand it through a sci-fi story.

B M Mahmud
2 min readApr 9, 2024


Imagine you’re the captain of a spaceship flying through space. Along the way, you will encounter various objects. Some of these objects are friendly stars, while others are dangerous asteroids. Your mission is to decide quickly: Is the object in front of you a star or an asteroid?

To make this decision, you have a special tool on your spaceship called the “Logistic Regression Model.” Think of it as a super-smart computer that helps you make choices when you’re not sure. It’s like having a magic coin that can land on a “star” or “asteroid,” but much smarter because it uses information to make the best guess.

Now, how does this smart computer work? Let’s say each object sends signals, like how bright, what colour, and how fast it’s moving. The Logistic Regression Model takes all these signals, mixes them in a secret recipe, and then makes a guess. But instead of saying, “Yes, it’s a star” or “No, it’s an asteroid,” it gives you a percentage, like saying, “I’m 70% sure this is a star.”

The magic behind this model is a special math formula that can handle “yes or no” questions well, which, in the world of math and computers, we often talk about as 1s and 0s. The formula takes all the information about an object (like its brightness and colour) and calculates a score. If the score is high, it means, “Yes, it’s probably a star.” If the score is low, it means, “No, it’s probably an asteroid.”

But there’s a twist! The universe is a tricky place, and sometimes it’s not just about being a star or an asteroid. Maybe there are comets, planets, or space stations too. Logistic regression is super focused and works best when it’s just deciding between two things, like “yes or no,” “true or false,” or “star or asteroid.”

So, to sum it up, a logistic regression model is like your smart assistant when making decisions when there are only two choices. It takes clues, crunches numbers through a magical math formula, and tells you how sure it is about its choice. It’s a captain’s best friend when navigating the vast, mysterious space of decisions.



B M Mahmud

Hi, I am Mahmud. I love to share my ideas and learning strategies. You know, Sharing is caring. To know me more, check out my all links, bio.info/imash