Understand An intrusion detection method — an easy explanation

B M Mahmud
3 min readApr 9, 2024


Imagine you have a clubhouse with lots of fun secrets inside, and you want to make sure only your friends can enter. But sometimes, people you don’t know might try to sneak in. An intrusion detection method is like having a smart security guard who watches the door and decides who gets to come in and who doesn’t. This guard has a list of what usual visitors look like and how they behave, so he can spot anyone who seems out of place.

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

In the world of computers and the internet, the “clubhouse” is your computer or a network of computers where important information is kept. Just like in our clubhouse example, we want to make sure only the right people (or data) can get in or out.

How It Works

  1. Watching the Door (Monitoring): The security guard (intrusion detection system) keeps an eye on the entrance (the network or computer). It looks at all the data coming in and going out, kind of like watching people enter and leave the clubhouse.
  2. Knowing the Friends (Understanding Normal Behavior): The guard knows how regular visitors (normal data traffic) behave. This might mean knowing that your friend always wears a red hat or arrives at 3 PM. In computer terms, it understands what typical, safe data traffic looks like.
  3. Spotting Strangers (Detecting Anomalies): If someone tries to enter the clubhouse wearing a neon green hat, singing loudly, and they’ve never been seen before, the guard will think, “Hmm, this is unusual,” and may stop them from entering. Similarly, the intrusion detection system looks for data that doesn’t fit the pattern of normal behavior, suggesting it might be an intruder trying to sneak in or cause trouble.
  4. Taking Action: Once the guard spots someone unusual, they decide what to do. Maybe they’ll ask the visitor some questions or tell them they can’t come in. In the digital world, the intrusion detection system alerts the network administrators or takes automatic actions to block the suspicious data, protecting the computer or network from potential harm.

Types of Intrusion Detection Methods

  • Signature-Based: This method works like having a book of known troublemakers. If someone shows up who matches a description in the book, the guard knows they might be up to no good.
  • Anomaly-Based: This is more about spotting that neon green hat — it looks for anything out of the ordinary, even if it’s not in the book of troublemakers. It’s great for catching new or unknown threats.

Why It’s Important

Just like keeping your clubhouse safe is important, intrusion detection is crucial for protecting computers and networks from hackers, viruses, and other bad stuff. It helps ensure that all the important and private information stored on these computers stays safe and secure.

So, an intrusion detection method is your digital security guard, always on the lookout to keep your digital clubhouse safe and sound!



B M Mahmud

Hi, I am Mahmud. I love to share my ideas and learning strategies. You know, Sharing is caring. To know me more, check out my all links, bio.info/imash